We believe

We believe in founders

We’ve sat in your seat and we know how hard it can be. We’ve founded in Europe and scaled globally. We’ve sold into enterprises around the world. We’ve raised money from big names in VC. We’ve had successes (including 2x IPOs), failures and everything in between. We believe founders need experienced operators in their corner.

We believe in Europe

Europe is leading the way on decarbonization. It has world-class universities, research bodies, government support and incubators. And It is outpacing the rest of the world in new climate tech startup creation. But only 8% of European VCs have startup operating experience and there’s a serious European scale-up funding gap. We believe that all needs to change.

We believe in decarbonization

We’ve seen the climate challenge first-hand as founders, operators, political candidates, advisors
and board members. Decarbonization is a $200 trillion opportunity and new technology must lead the charge in achieving net
zero commitments. The opportunities are immense. And we believe the next generation of technology unicorns will be in decarbonization.

We believe in technology

We live in a time where advances in AI, large language models, edge computing, blockchain, hardware and energy technologies creates the opportunity for unprecedented decarbonization solutions and building large companies.

We believe we can help

Want an investor to write a check and go away? That’s not us. We are willing to roll-up our sleeves to help maximize your chance of success.
Operations. Go to Market. Fundraising. Global Expansion. You name it, we’ll answer the call.

We believe in diversity

We've built diverse companies and seen the benefits diverse leadership, viewpoints and cultures can bring.  We seek to back diverse founders and teams.